
She defeated the pot, she defeated prawns, cod, some shell fish and and an ugly brown thing with one eye.  Currently fucking a crab with a strap on it's the Sssseeeaa Chaaaampiiiion of the World, Helen Lobster. 

Natasha Atlas

From early childhood bouts of detailarosis resulting in several severe attacks of outlinia, Natasha Atlas HALIM managed to fight back visiting several unrelated stylists in three capital cities and after much resting on one particular palm produced the finest set of Alabrian textual patterned postcards the blind could ever see. What a woman.


I prefer it this way up

grupo amanecer

I'm lost for words, just stare, stare...  Maybe put the words 'Grupo Amanecer' in Google translate and get 'Dawn Group' and then just wonder, really wonder what the fuck is happening here.


How we marvelled at those natural pink snow cliffs of Grindelwald

snow prision

Then they built that pink snow prison in the desert, short sighted but piss funny.